Monocouche Render Systems
Monocouche renders are a type of finish applied to the exterior of both domestic and commercial properties. As well as a decorative finish, it can provide lasting weather protection. The process is a modern single coat render and usually applied by a machine, in our case, by using the ‘PFT G4 Light 11’ rendering machine.
Quality has and always will be an integral part of our service as we pride ourselves on using only the best in the industry, whether it’s our equipment, materials or hand-picking our partners.
Monorex and the other façade renders, which are manufactured in France, have the benefit of being produced using high-quality sand and have a very low clay content. Our partners, Parex UK, do not manufacture their façade renders in the UK because they also believe the quality of sands available is not comparable.
Clay content in sand has the potential of increasing the likelihood of the attack of mildew and algae due to its natural capacity to retain moisture, which prevents the render from drying out quickly. This may then allow dust and dirt particles to stick to the surface, which in turn enables the algae to grow, creating an undesirable green surface. Clay content in the sand may also increase the risk of cracks forming within the render itself, as poor quality sand contains iron ores, which can also cause rust stains to form.
To provide an enhanced performance, Parex façade renders have biocides added during the manufacturing process to provide enhanced mildew and algae protection. Parex façade renders do not generally suffer from the above conditions due to the use of high-quality natural materials with added precautions, however, it has to be noted there may be certain conditions beyond a manufacturers control.
Some common factors that may cause algae to form on the surface of the render could be when the property is close to large trees, covering the render from natural light, or when the wall may be north-facing and/or adjacent to a taller wall.
Another factor which becomes more prevalent during the winter is that here in the UK, we are suffering from warmer and much wetter winters. This, unfortunately, can cause conditions which allow algae and mould growth to occur and in these instances, we advise some early cleaning of the façade with a power washer. Learn more about maintaining your rendering.
The Benefits
Machine applied (pumped and sprayed), Monocouche renders offer the most highly efficient and cost-effective method of rendering modest and large areas. We use the ‘PFT G4 Light 11’ rendering machine to cater for both domestic and commercial works. Alternatively, it can also be hand-applied.
Monocouche renders are available in over 40 different colours and can be finished in a variety of ways. This helps to achieve distinct architectural features such as ‘Ashlar’ (lines in the render).
The carefully selected colours and aggregates that make up the Monocouche render create a decorative finish that will mature naturally and blend with its surroundings. It also offers years of trouble-free protection.
Monocouche renders are weatherproof and decorate exterior walls of buildings without affecting their ability to breathe.
Reduction in labour and scaffolding time means faster completion. Using our partner’s range of Monocouche renders offers real cost benefits over traditional methods.
Monocouche renders are suitable for all types of buildings and most substrates, offering exciting opportunities for housing, commercial and industrial buildings in rural and urban areas.
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